I Know What I Know, I Don't Know What I Don't Know ??!! Muahaahaaha What Am I Talking About?! :: De[S]teR@ :: "See thing in its entirety";Takuan Soho

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Messing my life!

Huh huh I messed up with so many works this week. I'm postponing my two assignment to next week. Need to fill out the yearly performance reevaluation report, so I will meet my boss face-to-face around this week. Need to arrange some purchase, which is to be done before TOMORROW!!? Oh.. yeah, I am doomed, finance department would closing their account tomorrow. Need to hurry up!

Taadaa!! This is how I look like, when I'm messing around!! He he he Ha ha ha

Would like to apply for some holiday leave next month. I want to apply for 2 weeks!! Hope my boss would just sign/passing my application and letting me enjoying my leave peacely... :p Ohhh!! need to do my assignment first before anything else.. No!! My purchase items first!! eerr.. I'm such a l-o-s-e-r or maybe not... whatever!!!


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