I Know What I Know, I Don't Know What I Don't Know ??!! Muahaahaaha What Am I Talking About?! :: De[S]teR@ :: "See thing in its entirety";Takuan Soho

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Ha ha ha Happy New Year??

Ha ha ha ha Happy New Year!!! (In an attempt to make the greeting sound fair???)

"HAPPY NEW YEAR 2006" and "Merry Xmas".... I think, I'm still not too late, technically...

Been around 2 months, hu ha hu ha hu ha going around with less motives. Last month, last year, been playing together with my cousins-mousins around. Taking my leave by 3 weeks in a row, and have a lotsa fun, and in the end.. forgetting about my little blog.

Actually, the final exam past quite good/successfully, so I take my release after that. Playing a lot of video games and walking around in Kuching city.

Now, it seem I'm quite nervous waiting for my results. I cursed myself not to pray for Santa to give me good marks, well, whatever. I hope I get good marks, eventually I'd already registered my 3 new subjects for upcoming semester due to 26th Jan, 2006.

So in the mean time, I got a new task, and a whole bunch of works... =_=;

B4 I forgetting to blog again, I wish you all Happy Aidil Adha and Chinese New Year!!!!

Ivan: Heey!! CNY is on 29th, are you crazy!!! Still collecting money though!
Destera: Oooohh.. can't greet it earlier??
Ivan: No!!!!! You'll had my luck run out liao!!!
Destera: I see, I see....
*not doing anything*
Ivan: Lei wan ngo ah?
Destera: No larrrr..
Ivan: *smirk*... hehehekekeke just a joke larr, sori sori.. hehehe
Destera: dang!

Roger and out!!!!! ....whatever


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