I Know What I Know, I Don't Know What I Don't Know ??!! Muahaahaaha What Am I Talking About?! :: De[S]teR@ :: "See thing in its entirety";Takuan Soho

Thursday, August 11, 2005

My 1st Post On Blog Community!!!!

Yeah.. Welcome to my blog.. This is my 1st post!!!! Hooraaaayy (or maybe it's the first/end/only post??) Whatever. We've read blog, post it, see it, view it, and give comments for any topics; even it is general, technology including gadgets, sensitive and insensitive issues. Blog has shaping up our publishing styles, given a one tiny guy/gal/girl to expressing their feelings, opinions, comments or even harassing people or certain governments!!! Nevertheless, I’ll shape mine for my own thought not to harass people, just a small voice of mine and so I do hope audience will show good will. That would do…

Well anyway, mind my Engrish :P , because that’s not my 1st language (Hah!! Excuses!!!!), let see the history of the blog itself.

Because I’m so lazy!!! Excuse me!!! Please refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog for further explanations, ha ha ha


(Copy and paste from wikipedia ; All copyrights & credits goes to them!! :))

Blogging begins

Blogging combined the personal web page with tools to make linking to other pages easier, specifically blogrolls and TrackBacks, as well as comments and afterthoughts. This way, instead of a few people being in control of threads on a forum, or anyone able to start threads on a list, there was a moderating effect that was the personality of the weblog's owner. Justin Hall, who began eleven years of personal blogging in 1994 while a student at Swarthmore College, is generally recognized as one of the earliest bloggers.

Another early blogger and blogging software developer was a high school student named Eugene Sadhu who, in 1995, created and distributed a CGI based software package entitled eJournal in which he commented on the daily news events.

The term "weblog" was coined by Jorn Barger in December 1997. The shorter version, "blog", was coined by Peter Merholz, who, in April or May of 1999, broke the word weblog into the phrase "we blog" in the sidebar of his weblog. [1] This was interpreted as a short form of the noun [2] and also as a verb to blog, meaning "to edit one's weblog or a post to one's weblog". Usage spread during 1999, with the word being further popularized by the near-simultaneous arrival of the first hosted weblog tools: Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan's company Pyra Labs launched Blogger (which was purchased by Google in February 2003) and Paul Kedrosky's GrokSoup. As of March 2003, the Oxford English Dictionary included the terms weblog, weblogging and weblogger in their dictionary. [3]

One of the pioneers of the tools that make blogging more than merely websites that scroll is Dave Winer. One of his most important contributions was the creation of servers which weblogs would ping to show that they had been updated. Blog reading utilities, such as Blogrolling [4], use the aggregated update data to show a user when their favorite blogs have new posts.


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