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Monday, September 19, 2005

Final Fantasy 7 = Musashi epic ???

Hi guys/gals!!!,

Now I think I’m realize something similar about those two stories. Final Fantasy 7 almost looks alike with Musashi epic. For example, let see if Cloud Strife as Miyamoto Musashi and Sephiroth as Sasaki Kojiro, it does make sense.

With a big sword and small sword at back, the weapons of choice for Cloud and long sword for Sephiroth. Everything almost the same with Musashi epic, as we know Miyamoto Musashi is known with his 2 swords style and Sasaki Kojiro with his long sword and Swallow Cut style.

The battle between Cloud and Sephiroth looks similar with the famous battle between Musashi and Kojiro. The physical look for our hero and villain show the same description with Musashi and Kojiro. Cloud that is assembling Musashi with messy hair and Sephiroth with long face and long hair assembles Kojiro.

As the stories goes on with young Cloud like young Musashi’s, dreams of fame and seek them with acknowledging warriors (soldier as in FF7) as the best platform to be famous. At the some events their fates will twist around death and killing. At the younger stage, Cloud/Musashi is eagerly and brutish young boy finally adopt a more soften (soft hearted) man, peace seeker/lover, skillfully with swords/weapons and always seeking/looking life from more positive views.

Eventually, the stories will end up with the battle between those two rivals. In final Fantasy 7, the battles will prove who will survive and rules the planet or not. Actually I don’t see the movies yet, so this is only my review about the similarity between FF7 and Musashi epic’s. It’s almost or exactly the same version of modernize Musashi version, and I like to thinks that way. Mostly Japanese would like some adoptions to their famous epic and cultures. We can see many version of Musashi epic, directly or indirectly, copied or been borrowed (the ideas) for animes, games, movies, books and many more.

Anyway, all of the views are from my consumptions and observations, this may prove correct or wrong. Either way is fine, for most things now, I truly enjoyed the stories, both of it.



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