I Know What I Know, I Don't Know What I Don't Know ??!! Muahaahaaha What Am I Talking About?! :: De[S]teR@ :: "See thing in its entirety";Takuan Soho

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Proton Savvy "BUILT TOUGHER" than you think?

The mags/newspaper ads showing that the new model is built tougher than you think..

This is advertising from proton regarding their new model, that is "SaaaAAAVVVvvvyyyYYY" .. whatever...

Well most Malaysian must be aware now, Proton has new lineup to their collection that is Proton Savvy. And I like to say that, almost everyone in Malaysia has seen the commercial ads on TV/magazines/newspapers/radios etc etc etc. The claims would be the car is by the name itself would be "savvy", moderate fuel usage within long runs/kilometres, and small but tough. Anyway you can find the details at their website "http://www.proton.com".

I've seen the models running on the road around my town and showrooms, nevertheless I don't like the "savvy" design... doesn't took much effort from me, I prefer Perodua MyVi over this Savvy. Like most Msian would say , "not my taste lah".

Today, I received an email forwarded by my friends some photos on the new "saaaavvvvvyyy"..

now.. let see.. emmm.. built tougher than you think.. yeahh whatever, exactly the "tough" I think about ehh??

The reality is much bitter, Proton must upgrading their models much better in term of quality, design, engines, tougher and good deal. Do Proton expect Malaysian will always backing their up FOREVER!!!! Unless you give us better or the best deal you can offers. Who (refer to msian) doesn't want to see our own national car manufaturer acredited worldwide knowns as amongst of the best car makers!? They need to put up more effort, more strategies much much much more whatever... heyy I'm not the thinker!!!

That's all folks.. whatever..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Benar benar.. kata kau, auk ajak..

9/06/2005 10:48 PM


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