I Know What I Know, I Don't Know What I Don't Know ??!! Muahaahaaha What Am I Talking About?! :: De[S]teR@ :: "See thing in its entirety";Takuan Soho

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Distance Learning

Today is my first tutorials with my distance learning programmes. I'm enrolling to local university that's offering some kind of distance learning to get my own first degree. Sob Sob finally, I'll get my first degree in flying colours!!! No more waiting, no more stress or booing from other colleagues. Maybe that one just my imagination.

The tutorials run smoothly, but in the end I fell slept for the last classes. Ha ha ha. Okay, I admit that I just too bored with the tutorials. The topics is generally easy but not the English classes. With my bad grammar, spelling or literature I think I'll have some problems with this subjects. Heh.

Life must goes on, this is my 1st semester and there's 3-4 more years to accomplish what I left before. Until then, wish me luck!! :)


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