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Sunday, September 18, 2005

FF7:AC & LO are released at Japan now!!??

Wallpapers from official websites.
Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children & Last Order

OMG!!! I’m a bit late to hear about the news!!! Poor me. Being a fan of this title and genre, I’m ashamed to be called as FF fan. I’ll go to store (if they have sold it at my local store, that is) and check if they had the new release of FF7!!! I’m eager to wait for tomorrow… but at the same time too, I’m afraid they didn’t have the release yet.

After seeing the last 4 previews and trailers about the movies, I’m so thrilled. I can’t wait even a moment to watch this movie. After so many years (If I am not mistaken, back at early 1997) I’ve played the FF7 game’s for so many times. I must know what end or conclusion Square-Enix (JP/US/Global) (previously called as Squaresoft) has been installed to this most awaited/anticipated title for anime/3D/game genre they’d in mind.

I’m shivering…… wohooooo. I'm expecting good music scores, great 3d graphics, great story telling, full actions packed and many more... I don't know how to explain my feelings right now.. too happy :) :D XD

Pictures taken from AdventChildren.net, credit goes to them and SquareEnix

For more info;

Official website:


Unofficial website:

http://www.1up.com/do/feature?cId=3143672 (FF7 Remake??!!)



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