I Know What I Know, I Don't Know What I Don't Know ??!! Muahaahaaha What Am I Talking About?! :: De[S]teR@ :: "See thing in its entirety";Takuan Soho

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

"Mencari Cinta?"/Find Love/Find Your Love???

Find your love, or Find love ….. WTH…whatever it is, I really hate this kind of reality show. I think I’ve seen this kind of programs elsewhere in Astro. Hmm what the name again, hmmm ah “Joe millionaire” something like that..

This show makes me want to puke over my TV. Those Romeos, who thinks they were, try to get the one girl and winning her heart or whatsoever. I don’t know why those Romeos did agree to enter such kind of show? Maybe they’re sore loser, frustrated guys, earned hard living money, just to waste their time (heyyyy there are so many ways to waste your own time!!! Ermm, this is some sort of one thing to waste your time.. Really) or to get popular???

Our ministers already voiced out their opinions on this kind of reality shows, which include “Akademi Fantasia” (Yuck!!!) that is not good for our Malaysian viewers. I don’t see much the previous winner does have respective albums or success in carrier, maybe need to wait for some years to mature enough? Mostly, it’ll affect our morale values and wasting times/moneys to almost half or more M’sians.

Do our entertainment including the shows, TV/radio stations and music/movie industries had gone degrading much worsen for these years? Do we need to copycat without filtering any shows from west especially and ignore our morale/ethnics/ eastern values/ etc etc etc. and sacrifice its for profits!? I hope this is not our trends as this would degrade some of our industries.

Maybe it has some positive views and it help much for our entertainment industries to regain their honors. If so, I do hope its helping our entertainments and to fill the void we the viewers had past those years…. Or maybe not…Whatever!!!!


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