I Know What I Know, I Don't Know What I Don't Know ??!! Muahaahaaha What Am I Talking About?! :: De[S]teR@ :: "See thing in its entirety";Takuan Soho

Monday, September 12, 2005

My books is finally arrived…

From left; Musashi, The Lord of the Rings and The Art of The Lord of the Rings.

I purchased 2 books and a set of books (comes with 3 books inside) from Amazon.com. The books I ordered are “Musashi”(hardcover), “The Lord of the Rings”(hardcover) and “The Art of The Lord of the Rings”(hardcover) on 21st of August, 2005. The packages come on 8th of September, 2005; they come in 2 separate packages.

Another book cover for Musashi;

  • Product Details Hardcover: 984 pages
  • Publisher: Kodansha International (JPN); Reprint edition (May 1, 1995)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 4770019572
  • Product Dimensions: 8.6 x 6.1 x 1.6 inches

I look like a child who receive a birthday present, happily and sing along while opening the packages. YES!!! This is it, the three books I’m waiting for so long (well, not long enough). I’m hugging its, smell nice (yea new books sure smell nice), take one of my favorite bookmark and lay down at bed. Which one should I read first?! Hmm… Sure the thinnest of all is the “The Art of TLotR”, so I get through with it in a blink of second.

So, “The Art of TLotR” is the finest art for the story books/movies. You can see many arts from derived works and various artistes who contribute to the books and the movies. They explained the arts bit by bit and where will it matches with the whole stories and movies. It is an awesome works from them, I’m glad I’d buy the book.

Movies:Seven Samura(1954)i and The Hidden Fortress(1958) by Akira Kurosawa.

Okay... The next one I should read, ah, I prefer to read “Musashi” first. I like samurai genre, most of my classic movies is something like “The Hidden Fortress”(imdb/amazon/criterion), “Seven Samurai”(imdb/amazon), “Lone Wolf and a Cub; 1st season”(imdb/amazon), “Samurai 1, 2 & 3”(imdb:1 2 3/criterion:1 2 3)(I love Toshiro Mifune(link2) acts as Miyamoto Musashi, he's so cool and manly!!!) and many more. Maybe I’m too profound with Japanese cultures. I start reading on 9th of Sept. 2005, and done reading through it on 11 of Sept.(Sunday), 984 pages.. phew.... I don't believe myself.

Movies: Samurai trilogy; From left Samurai 1 (1954:Miyamoto Musashi), Samurai 2 (1955:Duel at Ichijoji Temple) and Samurai 3 (1956:Duel at Ganryu Island). The movies is directed by Hiroshi Inagaki.

Ahh... It’s too interesting too describe, I can’t put down the book by any chances and minutes. Any rest time between the reading, I’m imagining the whole stories back, how the fights and sequences involved and try to link each situation to each events happening for our heroes. Then, I’m rushing again to read the next chapter, can’t wait to know what would happen to Musashi and his long life lover Otsu.

This story about a young man who pursuit his goal to be the best fencer in Japan, and would take a position among daimyo(like governors?). In the same time fell love with his childhood friend, Otsu. But the path he took preventing him to love her in any normal way (Heyy... don't get the wrong ideas here!!!), but not for Otsu who is completely in love toward Musashi. Her love for Musashi carry her almost through all the Musashi trail's. Musashi on his way as pilgrimage warrior's counters many hardships and obstacles to achieve his way. We can see here, from brutish strength and attitude boy's, the stories gradually bring Musashi to be a great zen master for his time and todays. Do Otsu love's would met it end? Do Musashi ever achieve his goals? <--- heyy.. just read the book larr..

I don’t want to put any more spoilers after this paragraph, if you happen to have same interest I think you should read this book. For the “TLotR”, I think I will read it next week, after I’m done with my first test/exam... Sob sob sob... No way… errs... Better study and prepare for my exam first then I would enjoy my readings again…



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9/14/2005 1:00 PM


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