I Know What I Know, I Don't Know What I Don't Know ??!! Muahaahaaha What Am I Talking About?! :: De[S]teR@ :: "See thing in its entirety";Takuan Soho

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


I still had in my possession the old sketches and drawings I made 6-7 years ago. No kidding, after so many years I still had it with mine. Luckily at the time, I have scanner and pc to save some of it into digital format. Now, looking back… I am glad I’d scanned it.

I wonder if my skill gotten rusty. I think it’s still the same, you may compare the sketches between these one with the previous post. How do you think? Some of it, I tried to colors its, but I don’t have much skill with Photoshop I guess…

As a child I dream to be a cartoonist, but after some events I stranded and now I m just a techie guy. Forever? I don't think so... No one can guess the future, it is ourself who would create our own future.

So … enjoy … or … maybe not …


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